Implant - Cosmetic - Family
Minimally Invasive Dentistry


At our practice, we use minimally invasive dentistry, also known as microdentistry. This consists of techniques to help preserve tooth structure without overuse of “drilling and filling” and other invasive measures. Just as the word implies, this type of dentistry concentrates on using the least amount of dental intervention to conserve the health of your teeth. In minimally invasive dentistry, the removal of any part of a tooth structure is kept to only the minimal amount necessary to restore the tooth to its optimum state. This can be done in modern dentistry through the latest scientific advances.

The techniques used in minimally invasive dentistry include those that focus on prevention, remineralization, and minimally invasive restoration.

We start by assessing the health of your mouth and teeth and evaluating your risk for decay. Strategies are implemented to reduce any risk for decay, through dietary and other means. Reducing carbohydrates and sugars, adding the use of a daily mouthwash to decrease bacteria, and introducing other types of oral hygiene are examples of these methods.

Minimally Invasive Procedures

As time goes by, plaque that is allowed to sit on your teeth eventually hardens into bacteria harboring tartar. Tartar reacts with the foods you eat and leads to tooth decay. Not only that, the bacteria in tartar can start to smell and is a common cause of bad breath.

During your dental checkup, we use a special tooth scaling tool that is used to effectively remove the hard build-up of tartar. This process is most commonly known as tooth scaling. Scaling will remove tartar build-up on the front and back surfaces of your teeth, just above the gum-line. Sometimes, we may detect tartar working its way below the gum line. In these cases, root planing, also known as a deep cleaning is necessary to remove this tartar from the tooth's root.